Best Smoke Detectors For Home Use (UK Top 3)

Smoke detectors are one of the most important safety devices in homes around the world. A smoke detector will alert you almost immediately when smoke is detected, giving you the best possible chance of escaping a potential house fire alive.

In this article we’ll look at the best smoke detectors for home use, and look at the pros and cons of each one, as well as looking at exactly where you should place a smoke alarm in your home, and how many you should have.

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Best Smoke Detectors For Home Use (UK Top 3)

Before we get into the article, and look at the best smoke detectors for home or smoke alarms for your home, here’s a handy quick reference table which shows the top 3 smoke alarms you can buy for your home.

(1st place!) Fireangel ST-622Q 10 Year Thermally Enhanced Optical Smoke Alarm

This is my outright winner for the best smoke detectors for home use, and is best value for money.

Giving out an ear deafening 85dB, high pitched alarm, this smoke detector is easy to use and is essentially plug and play, with no wiring needed, no battery needed (integrated 10 year life battery), and easy to install.

Just unbox the detector and screw the baseplate to the ceiling using the two included screws, and slot the detector onto the baseplate.

This particular smoke alarm has what’s called Thermoptek technology inside, which means it can detect rapid rises in temperature as well as smoke caused by fire or smouldering, potentially giving you a crucial few seconds to react to any danger.

Fire Angel also claim that this smoke detector is used by 90% of all fire services in the UK, so if the subject experts use them on a regular basis, you know you’re onto a winner.

Fireangel ST-622Q 10 Year Thermally Enhanced Optical Smoke Alarm, Multi-Colour
  • The ground-breaking thermoptek technology in the ST-622Q provides responsiveness to all fire types in one alarm
  • Thermoptek sensing technology – detects slow smouldering fires and rapid rise in temperature, a fast response to all fire types

Fire Angel is a trusted and respected brand name in fire safety, with no reliability issues, and for basic detectors at a low price, it’s one of the best smoke detectors for home use you can buy right now.

You can buy the Fire Angel home smoke alarm from

(2nd Place!) X-Sense Wireless Interconnected Smoke Alarm Detector

If you have a slightly higher budget for your home smoke alarms and detectors, then the second smoke detector on the list is definitely worth consideration.

In fact, if you can stretch your budget in any way possible from the Fire Angel detectors above, then I thouroughly recommend these types of detectors over anything else. In fact, they probably are the best smoke detectors for home use for one simple reason.

And the reason is simple.

These smoke detectors are connected to each other wirelessly.

That means if one smoke detector detects smoke in one part of the house, all connected smoke detectors will go into alarm – especially handy if you have a larger home, or a home built with thick walls and doors.

Not only are they the best smoke detectors for home use, they are also the safest. And they only make number 2 on the list becuase of their price.

X-Sense Wireless Interlinked Smoke Alarm, Mini Smoke Alarm for Home, 820 ft Transmission Range, Replaceable Battery-Operated Interconnected Fire Alarm, EN 14604, XS01-WR (RF Interconnected), 3-Pack
  • Link Up Your Alarms: Link together up to 24 X-Sense wireless alarms so if one sounds, all will; quick awareness of the emergency allows you to act faster to protect your home and family; particularly suitable for larger homes or hard of hearing occupants

Not only is this handy, but it’s a much safer setup in general. Imagine a fire breaking out in the conservatory (usually located at the rear of the house), whilst you are asleep in a front bedroom. Would you hear that alarm? Would it maybe add vital seconds or even minutes before the muffled alarm roused you from your sleep?

These are all questions you need to ask yourself.

What I like the most about these smoke alarms is their size – they are smaller than most smoke detectors and aren’t as intrusive on ceilings as some others are.

It also comes supplied with a battery that is rated for 5 years (which you can change), and some of the standout features include bug and fly protection (mesh surround), an 85dB high pitched alarm, low battery warnings and alarm source identification – so you know which alarm was set off.

Connecting them is easy, simply press the button four times to add another alarm to your network, and installing them is as simple as screwing the baseplate to the ceiling and twisting the alarm onto the baseplate.

This is an excellent product and the safest way to protect you, your family and your home from the dangers of fire.

And I will say it again one more time – interlinked smoke detectors are the best smoke detectors for home use because they are the safest, so if your budget will stretch, choose these interlinked detectors.

You can buy the X-Sense interconnected smoke alarms for

(3rd place!) X-Sense Smart Smoke Alarm (Wi-Fi)

In a world where everything seems to be connected to the internet and has ‘smart’ capabilities, along come X-Sense to knock the ball out of the park.

This is a next generation smoke detector for your home.

Linking your smoke detector to the free app (Available on Apple app store and Android Play store) enables you to check the health of your smoke detector in real time, and enables you to be instantly alerted to any faults, malfunctions or fires. You can even silence an alarm directly from your smartphone

It’s the most expensive home smoke detector in this article, but the features alone make it worth the money if you have the budget.

X-Sense Wi-Fi Smoke Alarm for Home with Replaceable Battery, Smart Smoke Alarm Compatible with X-Sense Home Security App, Compliant with EN 14604 Standard, XS01-WX, 3-Pack
  • Attention: XS01-WX Wi-Fi Smoke Alarm is not compatible with SBS50 base station and does not support interconnect function
  • Direct 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi Connection: The battery-powered wi-fi smoke detector can be connected to the X-Sense Home Security app via the 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi network with a direct connection to the app, not compatible with the SBS50 base station

Again, with X-Sense alarms, this unit is small and compact and isn’t overly intrusive from the ceiling. It is also insect proof with a mesh screen around the sensors, and connects well via your current wi-fi.

One small downside to this detector is battery life. The manufacturer states the battery will last up to 1 year, and after that will have to be replaced. While this can be a pain, it is understandable due to the connectivity it requires.

The good news however, is that the app will let you know when you need to change the battery.

Overall, this is a very good smoke detector with some nice features. It is more expensive than the other two on our list, and some may be put off with changing the batteries every 12 months, but nevertheless, this home smoke detector is thouroughly recommended.

You can buy the X-Sense Smart Wi-Fi Smoke Detector here, from

Where Should I Place My Smoke Detectors?

Official advice is that you should have a minimum of one smoke alarm, smoke detector or heat detector on every level of your home.

That is minimum protection though.

Ideally, you should have detectors in these locations:

  • A heat detector in the kitchen (see: 3 of the best heat detectors for kitchens)
  • A smoke detector in or near sleeping areas.
  • A smoke detector in hallways.
  • A smoke detector in the loft.
  • A smoke detector in main living areas.
  • A smoke detector near consumer units/RCDs (fuse box).

I have an article on heat detectors for kitchens, and why you should use a heat detector in certain loctions – and NOT a smoke detector.

And the very best protection? A smoke detector in every single room.

Do Fire Services Offer Free Home Fire Safety Checks – Plus Elderly Or Vulnerable People?

Some do and some don’t. I have an article here on which fire services offer free safety visits, with some of them even offering free smoke detectors and alarms (criteria applies).

Don’t forget that other people might not be as safety conscious as yourself.

Whilst buying a smoke detector or replacing an old one for you and your family, why not check on any elderly neighbours, family members and friends who may not have a working smoke detector in their home?

Many elderly people or vulnerable people with disabilities won’t have smoke detectors or if they do, they may not be working.

A great thing to do is to check thier fire safety when your sorting yours and even offer to check or replace any old smoke detectors – if you don’t want too or feel you don’t want to be too intrusive, then have a think again – being intrusive could help save their life one day.

best smoke detectors for home elderly

Alternatively, some fire services accept referrals for fire safety checks and free smoke alarms – check this article here for your local fire service criteria.


In summary then, even the cheapest smoke detector will give you infinitely more protection than no smoke detector at all.

200 people still die in house fires a year in the UK – a number that is totally avoidable with the help of smoke detectors, heat detectors and a fire escape plan for you and your family.

The advice here is simple – if you are on a low budget, then the best smoke detector for home use is number 1 in the list, and offers excellent value, but if you have a little more to spend, then either of the other 2 are good choices.

If you live in Scotland, then additional regulations apply to you.

You can find out more about Interlinked Smoke Detectors and Scottish Regulation by clicking here.

Other Articles You May Like

Here’s a list of articles from our website related to home fire safety.

Product Links

Here’s a list of all products mentioned in this article on the best smoke detectors for home use. We are Amazon Associates, and earn a commission on qualifying purchases.

Questions & Comments

Let me know in the comments – how many smoke detectors do you have/plan to have around your home? Do you have smoke alarms in every room? In your opinion, what are the best smoke detectors for home use?

Whatever your question or comment, just drop it in the comments box below.

Stay Safe. Stay Secure.


My name is Richard.

I'm 40 years old. And I have nearly 20 years experience in various safety and security industries.

I'm here for you, sharing all my knowledge and experience to help you create a safe and secure home for you and your family.

Socials: Youtube / Twitter / Contact Me

6 thoughts on “Best Smoke Detectors For Home Use (UK Top 3)”

  1. Went and purchased 6 Fire Angel detectors, as I move into my new house next week – one of the things my wife and I noticed is that they don’t have a single smoke alarm in the entire house.

  2. Thanks for this. I am thinking of getting a smoke detector downstairs by the kitchen and a combined smoke and carbon monoxide detector near the boiler on the landing of my small mid terrace house. Is this ok?

    • Hi Vivienne,

      The combined detector on your landing is correct and absolutely spot on.

      The detector near the kitchen sounds reasonable. Remember that a smoke detector placed too near a kitchen will result in false alarms due to cooking.

      For gold standard, add another smoke detector near your stairs on the ground floor. I don’t know the exact layout of your home of course, but ideally, you want that exit route from sleeping areas covered with a detector.

      Thanks Vivienne.


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